Larson Farm


Artist Credits

Barbara Rewey

Barbara Rewey, the artist who sketched both the main house and the cabin of the Larson Farm, began painting in oils at the age of 12 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and received her first art award that same year. She has been active in the Madison, Wisconsin art scene since 1963. Ms. Rewey holds a BS in Art-Education from UW-Madison. Her watercolors and drawings have brought her extensive recognition in the Wisconsin community, and she has illustrated for Wisconsin Trails. Ms. Rewey is president of the Madison Art Guild, an Elvehjem Art Center aid and a member of the Madison Branch, National League of American Pen Women.

Outdoor Artwork

Scrap Metal Artwork

Scrap metal structures:

Erika Koivunen is a Madison, Wisconin-based multi-media artist. She has a Bachelors of Science in Art from the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a focus on metal structure. She has applied her main tecniques of welding, mosaicking, and painting to found objects for a number of years in the Madison area. Says Ms. Koivunen, “As an artist, reworking unwanted, outdated, broken, and used metal objects gives me a sense of putting value back into the world.”

Carved oak tree trunk: Brock Jansen, Edgar, WI

Concrete Lion: Zimmerman Lawn Ornaments, Monticello, IA

Kokopelli: Garden Critters, Albuquerque, MN

Red ‘Sun Dance’ Metal Structure: Nana Schowalter

‘Spanish Balcony’ on cabin: Postville Blacksmith Shop


‘Wisconsin’ words, music and performance by Glen Yarbrough, Folk Era music (Brian Davies, BMI)

‘My Father’ words, music and performance by Judy Collins, Wildflower Records (ASCPA)

Video Production

Family Album Video produced by Rhonda Baerworld at (608) 845-3062

Website Design originally designed by Current updated website by Powderkeg Web Design.